Radical thinking to create workable, 100% affordable housing estates

By thinking in a completely different way about almost every aspect of construction, as those of you who know us will be aware, we have developed an achievable and relatively simple solution to reduce the chronic shortage of affordable housing. Using a whole raft of new methods, the team here at Low Carbon Construction (LCC) […]
Low Carbon Construction influences House of Lords off-site manufacture for construction report

The House of Lords published its report Off-site manufacture for construction: Building for change on 19 July 2018 and we are pleased to have been recognised as one of its selected contributors. We now seek to offer our partnership to those who want and need to take fast action in the light of the report. […]
You can meet government regulation before they have even written it

LCC is ahead of the Government on many aspects of Affordable Housing. We were at least three years ahead of the Government on electric car charging points, for example. Whilst we think it is a good thing that the Government has announced that all new homes are to be fitted with electric car charging points, […]
How much do you know about factory-built affordable homes?

Hands up all those whose idea of ‘houses built in factories’ is that they look like holiday cabins, are temporary, and are of lesser quality than traditionally-built properties? If your hand is up, you are also probably one of the majority of people who say to us, ‘Oh, yes they are like the post-war pre-fabs’, […]
Fareham MP comments on our innovations

Suella Fernandes, MP for Fareham, visited our offices recently and said ‘Thank you to the team at Low Carbon Construction for taking the time to show me around. ‘They have developed an innovative way of delivering more affordable homes – we need to get Britain building again, and we need more affordable homes to support the […]
Structural timber magazine talks about our SIP volumetric house manufacture method

STMAG writes about the latest in structural timber building design and technologies, so where better to feature our revolutionary building methods? Click here to read the article, which covers technical detail on the Hemsec SIP panels that we use, how the methodology fits in with our affordable housing strategy, and robust comment on the government’s housing policies…
How to deliver a large volume of affordable homes, quickly

With the publication of Oliver Letwin’s initial findings in his Build Out Review, an insight into a new, different and faster method of construction could hardly be more timely. There is no longer any doubt that the affordable housing crisis cannot be solved by traditional house builders. New methods of construction are coming to the […]
Construction Manager magazine talks about our plans to build 10,000 homes a year

Will Mann of Construction Manager magazine talked to us recently about our plans to build 10,000 homes a year. Please read his article here – and we need to alert you to two small anomalies. Firstly, Low Carbon Construction Finance Limited is not part of the LCC group, but is affiliated to us. Secondly, our pledge to keep the resale home prices fixed […]
A new style partnership to reduce the pressure on housebuilders

Residential developers can meet affordable housing obligations with Low Carbon Construction As the government plans its new strategy for solving the housing crisis, developers are coming under increasing pressure to deliver stock, particularly affordable homes. As a leading volumetric house builder, here at LCC we are offering a new-style partnership enabling housebuilders to meet affordable […]